Thursday, June 17, 2010


Do you wish you could easily take fast and understandable notes? Find it hard to sit down and study what

needs to be studied at the end of the day? Never know where to start? Well start here! This is the answer

to all those questions you have on study improvement.

Description: This Free Improved Study Habits Hypnosis CD is designed to access your natural ability to

learn easily, just as you have learned to walk, talk and brush your teeth. You will become aware of

associating the ease of going into hypnosis with the ease of study. You will create a feeling of excitement

and fun to your study habits.

Hypnosis Induction: Ericksonian/Elman Style Rapid Induction

Techniques Used: Direct Suggestion, Indirect Suggestion, Anchoring, Reframing, Post Hypnotic Triggers,

Future Pacing, Convincers


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