Stop Smoking Within One Hour (Susan Hepburn)
You can become a 'non-smoker' within one, one-hour session, with no follow up sessions usually required and no withdrawal symptoms. The key to success lies in the client and hypnotherapist working together as a partnership. It cannot be done for you. Commit your effort and determination, and then it will be as easy as you make it.
A selection of facts and figures taken from Susan's book
"Stop Smoking in One Hour"
* Cancer and heart disease are the two most common fatal diseases.
Smoking is a major cause of both.
* You do not control your smoking habit, it controls you
* Smoking kills, it is not selective. Smoking can kill anyone.
Smoking can kill you
* Tobacco use kills around 120,000 people every year in the UK
* Do not leave your future in the hands of the tobacco companies. they need you; you do not need them.
* There is absolutely nothing to fear and you will enjoy life even more without smoking tobacco? Tobacco is the only legally available consumer product
which kills people when it is used entirely as intended
* Tobacco is a uniquely dangerous product. If introduced today it would not stand the remotest chance of being legalized but smoking is not against the law
* You will eventually forget you were a smoker. Why would you wish to remember?
* Why should becoming a non-smoker be difficult? It can be very easy?
To ensure success it is crucial to have a positive attitude and to mentally prepare.
* Being a smoker is not a prerequisite to enjoying life. You do not need tobacco in order to be confident, cope with stress or enjoy life.
* Passive smoking kills too, it just takes a little longer.
* It is estimated that passive smoking causes several hundred cases of lung cancer and several thousand cases of heart disease in non-smokers in the UK every year.
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