Thursday, June 17, 2010


Do you want to quit smoking those cigarettes that make you feel unhealthy and negative about yourself? This

is a highly effective multiple session CD which will bring you back to a natural state of making healthy

choices for your body, by quitting smoking for good. Your body is always in a natural process of renewing

healthy cells for a productive system of well being. It is now time to re-align your mind with the healthy

work your body is already doing.

Why struggle with the desire to quit smoking when, naturally,
your body wants complete health. Think about this....your body
right now, at this very moment, is working towards complete
health. Your body is moving toxins and un-used materials
out of your physical being, your body is constantly
regenerating healthy new cells, your body is producing white
blood cells to fight off viruses and there are a million other
tiny functions which your body is performing to reach the
goal of complete health.

What Does This Mean To You, As A Smoker?

Simply, that your body is already prepared to be a non-smoker.
Each and every time you finish smoking a cigarette, your body
automatically takes the actions of being a non-smoker by
repairing any damage done by smoking. Unfortunately, your body
cannot keep up with repeated cigarette smoke. And now, through
the use of hypnosis, you can unite mind and body together and
quit smoking with ease.

Your Body Is Ready To Quit.

Now It Is Time For Your Mind To Be Ready To Quit

Description: This Free Stop Smoking Hypnosis CD is designed to create an awareness of the choices you are

making in your everyday life, with regards to smoking cigarettes. You will experience a visualization

exercise which will allow you to see these choices and guide you towards quitting smoking. You will also

experience a deep hypnosis session to reprogram your subconscious mind to naturally make the decision to

enjoy your health over the habit of smoking.

Hypnosis Induction: Rapid Hypnosis Induction

Techniques Used: Direct Suggestions, Indirect Suggestions, Visualization


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